Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome back me!!!

Ok so I haven't really been here for a while. For some ridiculous reason I decided that I would resume my accounting degree. It's all exciting and fun until you have some nazi lecturer telling me off for not handing my assignment on time. Geez I didn't react well to teachers in school in whose right mind did I think I was going to be any better now????

So apart from that we have had a lot on our plate. Our precious little bub....who is 3 and a half years old......had yet again another asthma attack. Her doc has now put her on almost triple her dose of preventer so hopefully we wont end up in hospital again. We are in the process of purchasing our new house which is so exciting. So after getting the all good from the bank I have not stopped thinking about new furniture, and childrens bedroom themes for Miss T's room. This will be the first place where she is going to have a decorated room. We have rented for the last 12 months and before that we live in our unit which we own but her room didn't have aircon and we couldn't really afford much. So now I have so many ideas going through my head.

I am still on the weight loss train waiting for it to depart. But saying no is a hard word to get out. Self control is a learned art.

I need to lose 20kg before I try for baby number 2 so I will stop drinking beer as of tomorrow let me just chug this last one down. And I am going to be focused on my goal and my reward. I suppose I will have to exercise.....eeeekkkk that word tastes like vinegar coming out of my mouth. yuck.

Anyways Love ya and leave ya got to get off to bed.